Digital Signature Certificate
A digital Signature certificate is like an electronic "credit card" that establishes your credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web with government department sites. Digital signature are safe for security and privacy point of view. Digital Certificates are issued by listed and licensed Certification Authority (CA) which are approved by the concerned government department. Digital Signature Certificate contains various information like your name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting messages and digital signatures), and the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real. Digital Signature Certificates have various uses like can be used for E-Filing of Income Tax Returns, Employees Provident Funds organisations (EPFO),Employees state insurance corporation (ESIC), E-Tendering in India on Government Websites such as Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation, and also Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Registrar of Companies Applications.
We at at GrowUp provide complete assistance in obtaining Digital Signature Certificate. We have all the tools necessary to make our customers' DSC certificate processes simple. Additionally, our DSC registration specialists will offer you 100% support whether you're a director, practising professional, manager, secretary, CEO, or CFO — we've got it all.